
Oregairu . Looking for information on the anime yahari ore no seishun love comedy wa machigatteiru. This is what gives birth to the amazing and relatable quotes that are bound. Oregairu Season 3 Anime Had Been Announced Yu Alexius from www.yualexius.com Yahari ore no seishun rabu kome wa machigatteiru (やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 secara harfiah bisa diterjemahkan menjadi sudah kuduga, kisah komedi romantis remajaku memang salah kaprah.) yang juga dikenal dengan singkatan oregairu (俺ガイル), adalah sebuah seri light novel yang ditulis oleh wataru watari dan diilustrasikan oleh ponkan8. When he sees his classmates talking excitedly about living their adolescent lives, he mutters, “they’re a bunch of liars.” when he is asked about his future. Wataru watari, author of the light novel oregairu, revealed that volume 14 of his work was not going to be the end and that he was going to write short stories continuin.